Aniko Greger Aniko Greger

Ways we can impact our microbiome

I’ve written before about probiotics and the microbiome, but some recent discoveries have inspired me to talk more about the impact our microbiome has on our mental health and the huge impact our everyday choices have on our microbiome.

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Aniko Greger Aniko Greger

Screen time really is a big deal

So many parents are trying to navigate their children’s use of screens  and social media.  But are screens really that big of  a deal? The answer is a resounding YES.

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Aniko Greger Aniko Greger

When times are hard

When times are hard:


-Eat nourishing food

-Drink lots of water — warm water can feel especially good…

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Aniko Greger Aniko Greger

Holding our children’s feelings

You don’t have to be Buddha to be able to hold your child’s feelings, even though it may sometimes feel that way.  You do have to be able to manage and contain your own feelings, which can be challenging – even impossible – in some situations.  Grounding yourself and leaning into your own support systems before you engage with your children can help us truly be there for them without all the ways we need to be held hanging over their little heads. 

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Aniko Greger Aniko Greger

Some tips to help make stress…less stressful

It’s impossible to avoid stress. And, in fact, stress is a necessary component of our lives. Without stress, we stagnate. But, when there is more stress than our body can cope with or unrelenting (chronic) stress — then, we have a problem.

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Aniko Greger Aniko Greger

Taylor Swift can help you connect with your child

Yes, you read that right. Taylor Swift can help you connect with your child — if your child is into Taylor Swift, that is. So often, we miss opportunities to learn about our children and connect with them around what they care about. We don’t like their musical choices, their taste in clothes, the games they play, the movies they enjoy.

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Aniko Greger Aniko Greger

Parenting tool: RAIN meditation

Stop trying to change things. It’s so easy to say, isn’t it? “Don’t try to change it.” “Let things just be what they are.” “Sit in the present.” They’re all different ways of saying: let it be what it is. But wow, when your child is having a meltdown or doing something that they are really not supposed to be doing, it’s hard to just say: I don’t have to control this right now. And yet, sometimes that’s exactly what we need to do.

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Aniko Greger Aniko Greger

Let’s get creative

Did you know that creativity is essential to brain development and overall well being?

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Aniko Greger Aniko Greger

Connecting with nature

A while back, I wrote a post on why we need nature, reviewing the science behind the powerful and positive impact being in nature has on our systems — and the negative impact of a lack of exposure to nature has. These negative impacts are so notable that the phrase “nature deficit disorder” was even coined to describe what happens when we are deprived of nature.

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Aniko Greger Aniko Greger

Choosing foods wisely

It doesn’t seem like it should be so hard to eat healthy. But it can be. Some foods and practices that are recommended as healthy aren’t, in fact, healthy for everyone. But there are some very simple guidelines to eating foods that support our health.

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Aniko Greger Aniko Greger

Radical self-love, Part 2: for kids too!

My previous post was a radical self-love primer — the whats and whys of radical self-love. Now for the HOW. How do we cultivate radical self love for ourselves and for our children? Here are a few ways to start.

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Aniko Greger Aniko Greger

Radical self-love, Part 1

Have you heard the term “body positivity?” It sounds nice — important, even. But when we are led by poet-authors like Sonya Renee Taylor to examine it further, it comes up short compared for what we want and what is possible for our children, for ourselves, and for the entire, beautiful world.

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Aniko Greger Aniko Greger


So many parents are concerned that their kids seem to lack gratitude. It’s certainly wonderful that so many of our children are privileged enough that they don’t feel the depth and value of each meal, each hug, each book they get to read, each night they get to feel safe in their beds.

And yet…

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Aniko Greger Aniko Greger

Change is so hard! Or is it?

Change is something that is often thought of as something really difficult, something that happens incrementally, if at all. But what if there were a different way to approach change that envisioned it more along the lines of a matter of setting yourself up for success?

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Aniko Greger Aniko Greger

Is parenting supposed to be this hard?

In a word, no. It’s not. Parenting is not supposed to be this hard. And yet, in our culture, we are expected to be all the things to our little people: breadwinner, playmate, chef, advisor, educator (to name just a few). But without a village to support and guide us all — parenting becomes a deeply exhausting experience.

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Aniko Greger Aniko Greger

Self care for kids

Self care has become a much discussed topic. And for good reason. Many of us have neglected the basic care and keeping of ourselves for so long that we no longer even know how to do it. Once we’ve reconnected with what we need — movement, companionship, nourishment, practices that are meaningful to us — our lives feel revitalized.

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Aniko Greger Aniko Greger

What’s the deal with probiotics?

Some people say there’s no evidence that they work, while other people swear by them for their digestive health and beyond. So, what IS the deal with probiotics? Read on to find out!

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Aniko Greger Aniko Greger

Cough medicine that really works

We all know how it goes. School starts or the first cold day hits or any number of “milestone” events occur and BOOM: your kid is coughing. Sometimes it’s with a runny nose, sometimes not. So should you reach for an over the counter cough syrup? It may surprise you to know that many doctors would say NO.

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Aniko Greger Aniko Greger

Adrenal Fatigue

You probably don’t have adrenal fatigue. Adrenal fatigue is a term that gets thrown around a lot, particularly by integrative practitioners.  But it’s inaccurate and doesn’t reflect what is actually going on in the body.  Though you may certainly be very fatigued, your adrenals aren’t. 

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Aniko Greger Aniko Greger

Bullying: what it is and how kids, teens, and adults can stop it

Bullying seems to have become so normalized in our culture that, at times, it’s almost treated as some kind of rite of passage in schools and even in some jobs. So, it can be hard to recognize that bullying is NOT OK, no matter how “normal” it may seem. And do you know who, in particular, plays an extremely powerful role in calling out and eliminating bullying? YOU.

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