Finding stillness

Sometimes, stillness is our most important action and resource. Action might not be the right word here. Since stillness is a being. It is a stopping of action. Not forever, mind you. Just for a moment. To watch, to witness, to gather, and to be.

Stillness can be the antidote to overwhelm. Because when we are just being, we can experience the moment without getting swept away by it. Without getting swept away by the fear, the story, the anger — the whatever it is that is pulling us out of our bodies and into the tailspin of overwhelm.

How we do this isn’t necessarily easy, but it is simple. I like to remind myself that if I’m reading an article, watching a video, or just sitting somewhere — I am safe in this moment. So, even though my thoughts can sometimes pull me towards the tailspin of worry, I am actually just fine and totally safe right now. To do this, we can step into movement, time in nature, or creativity, as creating art can both channel and dissolve feelings of anxiety. We can choose mindful meditation tools like the 5-4-3-2-1 technique or the 3-3-3 technique, where we look around our current enviroment and

-see 3 things

-hear 3 sounds

-move or touch 3 things (our own body parts or external objects)

With the next round, experience each of these experiences more deeply. Look to see the objects in more detail. Listen with more depth. Move your body or the object at hand much more slowly, so you feel the each moment of the movement.

Stillness is not antithetical to action. In fact, it is often the foundation for intentional, mindful action. Powerful action does not come from anxiety or being in a tailspin. It comes from groundedness, from being in the actual moment instead of the stories inside our heads.

So, notice when you (or your kids) are feeling overwhelmed. Offer art, song, dance, breathwork, and other tools and see for yourself how nourishing, powerful, and resetting those things can be. Invite others to join you and experience this nourishment in community. Stillness allows us to be present with and take care of one another. Which is something we all need.


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